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Labour and Social Security Law

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  5. Labour and Social Security Law

In legal disputes between the employee and the employer, the burden of proof is placed on the employer. For this reason, the labour relationship between the employee and the employer must be managed well, starting from the job application process until the termination of the employment relationship. Otherwise, employers face great risks due to the large receivable items and compensations they pay to employees.

The main services provided by DYC Legal and Consultancy in order to manage these risks well are as follows;

  • Providing regular labour law consultancy services
  • Providing risk management services within the scope of labour law disputes
  • Providing legal services for the representation of our clients in mediation processes, labour courts and high courts
  • Checking whether the process is carried out in accordance with the legislation through interim audits
  • Providing all kinds of legal support to our clients from recruitment to termination of their employment contracts
  • Providing support to the employer in the creation of personal files
iş ve sosyal güvenlik hukuku
iş ve sosyal güvenlik hukuku
  • Preparation, implementation and continuity of all necessary legal documents specific to the company (employment contracts, personnel regulations, disciplinary regulations, job descriptions, organisation chart, instructions, etc.)
  • Monitoring occupational health and safety practices
  • Monitoring the practices regarding the principal employer-subcontractor relationship
  • Examination of the established strategy of company practices such as union activities, collective bargaining procedures in terms of labour and social security law
  • Determining the utilisation status of the employment incentives stipulated in the legislation in the workplace
  • Answering the attachment letters received from the executive directorates regarding the employees and following the process
  • Execution of work and residence permits for foreign employees