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Foreign Pension

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Today, there is the opportunity to earn foreign pension with the information exchange and methods used with the necessary consultancy. Within this opportunity, every citizen who has completed the age of 18 can benefit from this right by contacting DYC LEGAL CONSULTANCY.

What is Foreign Pension?

In many countries and/or regions with or without a Social Security Institution contract, Turkish citizens can earn the right to retirement in accordance with social security laws and their services abroad. This is called foreign pension income. This arrangement entitles individuals with a first date of insurance on or before 8/9/1999 to receive an old-age or pension if they meet the pension criteria other than age. In addition, in accordance with these regulations, a 5 percentage point reduction in the employer’s share insurance premium will be applied to employers who hire individuals who apply for an old-age or pension pension and are granted such a pension for the first time, and who also report that they have quit their job due to this application, if they start a job subject to social security support premium in the private sector workplace where they last worked within 30 days from the date of leaving the job.

What are the Conditions for Foreign Pension ?

In order to benefit from foreign pension income, some conditions and parallel documents must be resolved. These steps below must be followed exactly:

  • Diplomatic service loan application form must be filled out
  • Create a schedule by country/region of employment, insurance card or service program
  • Collect relevant documents from the official organization of the person’s workplace
  • Depending on where the tax officer works, a certificate of service must be obtained through the tax office
  • Work permit with passport must be translated

Many other such factors must be fully prepared and implemented. Thus, it is possible to retire either through SSK and Pension Fund or through Bağkur.

Periods Not Covered by Borrowing?

Before the age of 18, before acquiring Turkish citizenship or after losing Turkish citizenship, insurance, unemployment and the time spent abroad by housewives are not included in the scope of the loan.

In addition, the duration of disability, old-age and survivors’ insurance under the Turkish Social Security Law is the same as the duration of insurance for those who receive part of their pension under bilateral social security agreements, and the duration of unemployment and insurance for housewives. According to Law No. 3201, no remuneration can be received.

What is the Pension Status of Those on Foreign Duty?

Some of the citizens who have worked abroad for a certain period of time want to return to their country and retire with one of the 4/a, 4/b and 4/c pension types. There is a scope for citizens who make this request.

According to the bilateral social security agreement signed by our country; the duration of insurance premiums paid according to the law of one party will be accepted as a continuation of each other and the two countries’ examinations are brought together when determining whether to benefit from the pension (old age, disability and death).

When a pension is obtained through a combination of service, the pension is calculated by combining the work of the two countries, and the contracting parties pay monthly (partially monthly) the part of the pension corresponding to the number of working days in the country. Under the terms of the contract, the insured person submits a monthly claim to the social security institution of the country of residence.

Which Countries Have Signed Bilateral Agreements with Turkey for Foreign Pension?

  • England
  • Germany
  • Netherlands
  • Belgium
  • Austria
  • Switzerland
  • France
  • Denmark
  • Sweden
  • Norway
  • K.K.T.C.
  • Croatia
  • Macedonia
  • Azerbaijan
  • Georgia
  • Canada
  • Kebek
  • Romania
  • Czechia
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Albania
  • Luxembourg
  • Libya

If you live in one of these countries and want to benefit from your pension rights in Turkey, you can get service from DYC Legal Consultancy by choosing one of the two methods below!


We provide the necessary information, including salary calculation, to our clients who request consultancy. After the necessary consultancy is provided, our clients can give us a power of attorney and transfer the follow-up of the documents to us and request us to finalize the work.

Document Tracking and Job Finalization

In particular, it is difficult for our citizens who do not have practice in the functioning of the Social Security Institution to conclude their files with retirement in this sense.

For this, we follow up your paperwork in addition to consultancy. Thus, we carry out your retirement procedures on your behalf and finalize your retirement procedures as soon as possible.